My targeting audience

My main targeting audience will be Age 25, Male, Class B, C1, C2, like figure puzzle as the film going, have his own opinion, looking for interesting story, not hard understanding story with tricky puzzle. Looking for excitement and tension, and also relax. Fan of triller but not deep. Average to high income. They have a particular interest in thriller and horror, enjoy strong male leads, not afraid to see a male character struggle, enjoy the use of binary opposition and the notion of good vs evil. 

I'm also targeting the Explorers, people who like to discover new things and are attracted to new, innovative. brands, and new experiences, and they usually seek discovery. But Mainstreamers are my targeting audiences as well, because this category holds. a higher majority of people, with it being made up of 40% of the population. They typically follow the majority and lie to think they're part of a large group of like-minded people.
My film is rating for PG, because my film. will be have some fight scene and some bloody scene, but no strong language, strong violence, strong sex references, nudity without graphic detail and hard drugs.
